

Budget 2022-23  NSTI (W) Vadodara

Scheme :  Strengthening of Infra for Institutional Training - National Skill Training Institutes (Building, Equipment & Establishment of NSTI (W) 

DDO      :  NSTI(W), Vadodara (Rs. In Thousands)

Major Head / Sub Head Unit of Appropriation as indicated in Demand for Grants of MSDE-2022-23

BE 2022 - 23

RE / FE 2022-23 Expenditure upto 31st March, 2023 % of Utilization
2251. .01  Sal 18500 17739 17739 100.00
2251. .02  Wages 2810 1759 1759 100.00
2251. .03  O T A 0 0 0 0
2251. .06  Med Treat 300 100 35 35.00
2251. .11  Dom.Tra Exp 150 162 162 100.00
2251. .12  Foregin Tra Exp 0 0 0 0
2251. .13  Office Exp 1300 1500 1482 98.80
2251. .14  R R Taxes 0 0 0 0
2251. .16 Publications 0 0 0 0
2251. .20  O A Exp 0 0 0 0
2251. .21  S & Mat 300 300 289 96.33
2251. .26  Adv. & Pub 100 100 12 12.00
2251. .27  M - Works 1500 1370 1370 100.00
2251. .28  Pro Services 1300 950 937 98.63
2251. .34  Sch & Stipend 450 260 254 97.69
2251. .50  Other Charge 0 0 0 0
  Total Non-Salary 8210 6501 6300 96.91
  Total(Sal + Non-Sal) 26710 24240 24039 99.17
Capital Section          
4070.00.800.04.01.51 .51  Mot Veh 0 0 0 0
4070.00.800.04.01.52 .52  M. & Equip 1500 1500 1486 99.07
  Total (Capital Section) 1500 1500 1486 99.07
   Grand Total  28210 25740 25525 99.16




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